{"id":218,"date":"2024-03-08T18:58:35","date_gmt":"2024-03-08T18:58:35","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/historyofwhys.com\/?p=218"},"modified":"2024-03-11T16:23:30","modified_gmt":"2024-03-11T16:23:30","slug":"why-did-the-aztec-empire-welcome-hernan-cortes","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/historyofwhys.com\/why-did-the-aztec-empire-welcome-hernan-cortes\/","title":{"rendered":"Why did the Aztec Empire welcome Hern\u00e1n Cort\u00e9s"},"content":{"rendered":"\n

Imagine a world where two vastly different civilizations collide. It’s the early 16th century, and the Aztec Empire is at the height of its power. Majestic pyramids touch the sky, bustling markets fill the air with a cacophony of sounds and smells, and an intricate system of canals and causeways connects the sprawling metropolis of Tenochtitl\u00e1n. <\/p>\n\n\n\n

Then, in 1519, a group of strangers landed on the Gulf Coast, led by a man named Hern\u00e1n Cort\u00e9s. Little did the Aztecs know, this event would mark the beginning of the end for their great empire.<\/p>\n\n\n\n
